Can you guess which one of these things was a good investment? Ok ok, I must confess, I still have some of my old habits embedded in me. After all, I am fighting against habits that have been in me for years!
This past summer I succumbed to temptation and purchased a scooter. I justified this purchase repeatedly in my head saying, "I will save on gas." I will get places faster." Etc, etc etc. Boy was I wrong! A couple of people advised me NOT to get this scooter. I didn't tell my mentor because I didn't want to hear him go on and on about how silly this purchase was, as he advised me previously to get an old pick up truck. "It will come in handy for your rehabs Justin, it just makes sense." I told him I would get a truck eventually but wanted one with a little more style. I was not a fan of pushing a Sanford& Son pickup truck at the time
Fast forward 1 week after purchasing the scooter and I realized that I should have listened to him from the beginning. Not only did my scooter fail to work days after purchasing it, but it would take thousands of dollars to get it up and running again. Indeed, that scooter was the worst investment I have ever made.
Comparatively, purchasing an old and run down Sanford & Son pickup truck for a few hundred dollars was probably one of the best investments I have ever made! It's not sexy, but certainly gets the job done. My truck has helped me make money, while my scooter has lost me more money than I am comfortable discussing.
In sum, the moral of this story is to stay disciplined and make practical purchases. It is also imperative to listen to the opinions of those who have become the people you one day wish to be.