What is #deathtoslumlords?

I was recently asked by someone, "what is #deathtoslumlords?" #deathtoslumlords is a blog dedicated to empowering others to live their best lives, while simultaneously raising awareness about the benefits of homeownership. It also helps educate current renters on their options, showcases quality rental properties, and exposes slumlords.

You see, I am also a Realtor and I often show my clients rental properties in various areas. I must say that most of the landlords that are listing these properties for rent, would likely not live in them. Some of these places are filthy, and others look like they haven't been updated since the 80s. Meanwhile, they continue to charge high rents and increase them year after year!  This rubs me the wrong way. It is clear that many people are being taken advantage of, subjected to live in rental homes hardly worth their going rate given their deplorable conditions.

My hope is that these slumlords will improve the product they are offering hardworking people. I also hope that I will challenge the common misconception that "tenants will destroy your homes so why go the extra mile?"
I personally think that if you give a person a great product where they have reason to be excited about where they live, they will take pride in it. In turn, they will take care of it.

