I had the opportunity to watch the Dame Dash video about a week ago and I must say I was even more motivated and inspired to continue my entrepreneurship journey. Dame Dash likely offended some people based on the way he delivered his message, as it sounded like he was knocking the traditional 9 to 5 job. While the delivery of his message was not great, I do believe he made some valid points. Namely, the same effort you put into a job, you should put some into your self or something where you can create another stream of revenue for yourself, kids, and/or family. Do I think you have to become a full fledged entrepreneur" to accomplish this? No. However, you should be educating yourself and perfecting another skill set outside of your 9 to 5. After all, any company could decide to downsize and layoff the workforce at anytime. What would you do if this happened? Do you have a plan B? What paralyzes people is fear: fear of the unknown, fear that It may not work, fear of what people will think. This fear paralyzes people for years and you wake up and life has passed you by.
Use the money your are making on your job wisely and invest in income producing assets. Life is short so it is important to do what you love whether that is working a traditional job or pursuing your entrepreneurial dreams. As a great mentor once said 'Work full-time on your job and part-time on your fortune'.
For those who have not watched this video feel free to copy and paste the link in your browser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5vwYMroGzI